Our Energy Economy Will Never Be The Same

About Me
Our Energy Economy Will Never Be The Same

Welcome to my website. My name is Mike Fischer and I am very excited about the future that the energy sector holds. Solar panels, which were once only seen as suitable for low-powered electronics, have now become devices that can be used to power homes and businesses. Wind turbines are popping up everywhere. All of these technologies may make it possible to cut living expenses significantly while also reducing the impact that we have on the environment. Because of my love for alternative energy sources, I have been studying the research and have created a blog that contains posts covering various energy-related subjects.


The Key Benefits of Wet Vault Cleaning

20 November 2024
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Wet vaults, essential components in stormwater management systems, require regular maintenance to function efficiently. Often unnoticed, these structures play a crucial role in controlling water flow and ensuring environmental protection. Regular cleaning of wet vaults not only enhances their performance but also contributes to a safer and more sustainable environment. Improved Water Quality Wet vault cleaning significantly improves water quality. Over time, sediments, debris, and pollutants accumulate within the vault, potentially contaminating water supplies. Read More …

Reverse Osmosis — A Simple Way To Purify Water

17 May 2023
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

A reverse osmosis drinking water system will remove impurities from your water supply. Learn how reverse osmosis works. Then, decide if a POU (point of use) system or a POE (point of entry) system is better suited for your needs. Reverse Osmosis Reverse osmosis uses pressure and semi-permeable filter layers. As water enters the plumbing, water pressure forces water to move through a filter system. The filter system will consist of multiple layers that will screen water for contaminants. Read More …

The Importance of Storm Drain Cleaning and Maintenance

20 July 2022
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Storm drains are an important part of any home's drainage system. They are typically located around the perimeter of a property. Their purpose is to collect and channel stormwater runoff away from the home. However, maintaining these drainage structures is often overlooked. Discover two reasons why it's important to clean and inspect your storm drains regularly. Protects Against Flooding When it rains, the water that falls on your property flows into storm drains. Read More …

Four Ways You Can “Go Green” In Your Restaurant

3 July 2017
 Categories: Environmental, Articles

If you want to increase business to your restaurant while also doing something that's good for the planet, then you may want to consider making some "green" changes to the restaurant's structure and the way you operate. Advertising these changes will draw in more customers who share your passion for the earth's health, and you can feel confident that you're doing your part to preserve the environment. Here are four ways you can " Read More …

Setting Up Solar Panels For Camping And Roadtrips

21 June 2017
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Being tethered to a desk or in your home can become very boring after a while. You may have the desire to travel and maybe to enjoy the great outdoors. The problem is that the great outdoors do not come with modern amenities unless you find a camping site that comes with hookups. For example, you may want something simple such as a fridge that allows you to have more nutritional meals while out camping. Read More …