
About Me
Our Energy Economy Will Never Be The Same

Welcome to my website. My name is Mike Fischer and I am very excited about the future that the energy sector holds. Solar panels, which were once only seen as suitable for low-powered electronics, have now become devices that can be used to power homes and businesses. Wind turbines are popping up everywhere. All of these technologies may make it possible to cut living expenses significantly while also reducing the impact that we have on the environment. Because of my love for alternative energy sources, I have been studying the research and have created a blog that contains posts covering various energy-related subjects.


3 Ways Flash Flooding Can Cause Environmental And Public Safety Threats

16 June 2017
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

While storms can be glorious to watch and generate a lot of excitement when they start to approach, they can also produce periods of rainfall that can accumulate so fast, that the water on the ground rises at a staggering rate. This weather phenomenon is known as flash flooding and is a threat to many parts of the country. Even though most people know how to stay safe during flash floods, such as not allowing children to play in water streams and staying off the roadway, many have no idea that flash flooding can also be a threat to the environment and public health even after the rain has subsided. Read More …

Hosting An Athletic Tournament? Services You Need To Book Now

7 June 2017
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

If you are hosting a tournament for any type of youth sports event and you aren't sure what you want need to have on the grounds, there are some things that you can't forget. You want to be sure that you have enough amenities to accommodate everyone that will be at the tournament and that you won't be left with a huge mess on your hands. Here are some of the things that you want to get estimates for and that you want to have brought in for the tournament. Read More …

Avoiding Hazardous Waste Fines Efficiently

6 June 2017
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

How do you store and dispose of your hazardous waste? Do you keep everything in an old bucket, or do you pour everything down the drain? Depending on the materials you're getting rid of, your waste could be highly toxic to your local environment and easy for local authorities to track. Whether you're a businesses with industrial byproduct that needs to be pumped, or a lab that needs to dispose of smaller vials of materials, here are a few storage and delivery techniques that can keep your disposal safe and efficient without flirting with illegal activities or endangering the environment. Read More …

Three Factors For Lead Machining

6 June 2017
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

When you are looking to create machined lead products for any sort of industry that you operate in, it is important that you proceed with the best information. Lead products are useful in a number of different ways, so there are a lot of benefits associated with machining them. To learn a little bit more about these advantages, consider these points.  #1: Learn advantages of using lead products There are a lot of great reasons that you might want to start machining lead products. Read More …